DrupalGov Canberra 2014
To those who know me, the past couple of weeks in my schedule have been fairly
jam packed with DrupalGov
PRD suck
For anyone who is in the process of renting a property in Canberra and are
looking at properties advertised by
Best practices, workflow and how not to break your site
On Friday August 23rd, I was part of a contingent of Acquia
[https://www.acquia.com/] employees attending a Drupal
Wenatex: How I went to a free dinner
A while ago I was invited to a Wenatex event and wrote a fairly popular article about it. Recently I
Drupal Sprint Weekend Canberra March 9th-10th 2013
Following the post on g.d.o [https://groups.drupal.org/node/277768], I have
decided to host a sprint
Hallowe'en Planning
It is my aim to host the best Hallowe'en party that my friend group can attend this year. I'm not
DD isn't necessarily bad
For those responsible amongst you who do not have a non-drinker in their midst the perennial question before going out
Wenatex: How I was invited to a free dinner
UPDATE: My first hand experience of a Wenatex dinner/event.
I was at a friend's house a couple of nights