Drupal Sprint Weekend Canberra March 9th-10th 2013
Following the post on g.d.o [https://groups.drupal.org/node/277768], I have
decided to host a sprint
Too much caching to code
Traditionally, and sensibly, one develops a site before attempting to optimise
the server. The reason behind this being that simple
Omega subtheme nuances
Omega comes with two default theme grids:
* 960px - commonly used on desktop sites [http://960.gs/].
* fluid - more
New Year 2013
Another year passes, another mayan apocalypse
[https://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/20/world/doomsday-coming/index.html] averted,
another year
Some backstory
Whilst being involved with Drupal, I've been employed in a number of roles, each
with different responsibilities and
Core contributor without even knowing
A short while ago I had a conversation with webchick [http://webchick.net/] in
#drupal-contribute [irc://irc.freenode.net/drupal-contribute]
Strings to my bow
Last week I was lucky enough to gain maintainership of another Drupal module;
Block Title Link [https://drupal.org/project/
Replicating the Blogger blog archive in Drupal
One thing I've noticed a lot of people like about Blogger
[https://www.blogger.com/] is the block displaying an
By invitation only
Whether it's for fun, tinkering around or for an actual purpose I like to keep
up to date with contrib